We’re going to sing a couple of “throwbacks” this coming Sunday from one of the songwriters who helped develop what modern worship looks like in the Church – Chris Tomlin. Way back when he first came on the scene I can remember reading an interview of him, and something he said really stuck with me. He said that God had called him to write new hymns that would be Scriptural and moving and powerful, and yet easy for the church to sing together. Songs like Indescribable, How Great Is Our God, Holy Is the Lord, and Jesus, Messiahhave been sung in thousands of churches around the world since that time, and Mr. Tomlin is still writing tunes that lift our spirits and honor the Lord, whose lyrics come straight from Scripture. As a church musician/leader/worship minister I so appreciate that!
I cannot decide which of our throwbacks I love more – Good, Good Father or Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). Both are well-known and well-loved, and I am hoping that even our newer folks will catch on to tunes and lyrics in time to sing along with our congregation. They work well together, too, I think. It is God’s grace that has saved us, and He lavishes it on us because He is such a good Father. He loves to give good gifts to His children, and grace (receiving mercy we do not deserve, and not receiving punishment that we do deserve) is a very good gift! And His grace truly is amazing because it has no end. There is no sin it cannot cover, no request too big for it to fulfill, no soul so far gone that it cannot reach out and save. The chains of sin that held us captive are forever broken, and we are free to rejoice and worship our Savior and our God freely and without shame. Hallelujah!
The last verse of Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) are especially appropriate for this very moment. The snow is falling outside, covering everything I can see in a thick blanket of white. Though my sins were as scarlet, they are now as white as snow (see Isaiah 1:18).
Thank You, Jesus!
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow; the sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below, will be forever mine
See you all on Sunday for worship!
February 16 Worship Songs
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name – Keith & Kristyn Getty -
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus – Lifeway Worship
Good, Good Father – Chris Tomlin – https://youtu.be/CqybaIesbuA?si=LQjhS7lO9-h6fOZe
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) – Chris Tomlin - https://youtu.be/KKo3T0j9qqo?si=EftnqTbsZvQ_Zbhj